What is HTTP? (What is HTTP)
HTTP uses a server-client model. A client can be a home computer, laptop, or mobile device, for example. The HTTP server is usually a web host running on a web server, such as Apache or IIS. When you use a website, your browser sends a request to the corresponding web server and it responds with the HTTP status code. If the URL is valid and the connection is provided, the server will send the webpage and related files to your browser.
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It is a protocol for transferring information over the Internet. The use of this protocol later gave birth to the World Wide Web. This protocol was developed jointly by the World Wide Web Consortium and the Internet Engineering Taskforce.
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It is a standard internet protocol. It specifies (described) the client / server interaction process (process of exchange) between web browsers such as Microsoft Internet Explorer and web servers such as Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS).
The actual Hypertext Transfer Protocol 1.0 is a stateless protocol, by which the web browser makes connections (connects) to the web server and downloads the appropriate file and then ends the convolution. The browser typically requests HTTP to use a file. The GET method requests TCP port 80, which consists of a series of HTTP request headers, which defines transaction methods (GET, POST, HEAD), etc., as well as tells the server the client's capabilities.
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What is HTTPS? (What is HTTPS?)
The full name of HTTPS is Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure This is a protocol that uses HTTP over connections encrypted by transport-layer security. HTTPS is used to protect transmitted data from eavesdropping. This is the web's default protocol, and can protect website users from censorship by the government or ISP.![]() |
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HTTPS uses port 443 to transfer its information.
HTTPS is first used in HTTP / 1.1 and is defined in RFC 2616.
Features of HTTP (features of HTTP)
There are three basic features of HTTP that make HTTP a simple and powerful protocol:
HTTP is connectionless (HTTP is connectionless): The HTTP client, that is, the browser starts the HTTP request, and after a request is made, the client waits for the process. The server processes the request and sends a response after which the client disconnects the connection. So the client and the server are aware of each other during the current request and response. New connections are further requested as clients and servers are new to each other.
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HTTP is media independent: This means, any type of data can be sent via HTTP as long as both the client and the server know how to handle the data content. The server is required to specify the content type using the appropriate MIME simultaneously with the client.
HTTP is stateless (HTTP is stateless): As mentioned above, HTTP is connectionless, similarly it is a stateless protocol of HTTP. Servers and clients only know about each other during a current request. Later, the two forget about each other. Due to this nature of the protocol, neither the client nor the browser can maintain information between different requests on web pages.
HTTP / 1.0 uses a new connection for each request / response exchange, where the HTTP / 1.1 connection can be used for one or more request / response exchange.
Basic Architecture of HTTP (Basic Architecture of HTTP)
The following diagram shows the very basic structure of a web application -
The HTTP protocol is a request / response protocol based on a client / server based architecture where web browsers, robots and search engines etc. act like an HTTP client and the web server acts like a server.
The HTTP client sends a request via MIME to the server as a request method, URI, and protocol version.Server
Http serverResponds with a Status line, which includes a message protocol version and a success or error code, which is completed by MIME such as server information, entity meta information, and possible entity-body content.What are HTTP status codes?
The list of HTTP status codes is given below. These codes are error messages that allow the client to access another computer or device over HTTP to know how to proceed. For example, a 404 error tells the browser that the request does not exist on the server.1xx - 2xx 3xx - 4xx 5xx
100 (Continue) 301 (Moved permanently) 500 (Internal server error)
101 (Switch protocols) 302 (Moved temporarily) 501 (Not Implemented)
102 (Processing) 304 (Loaded Cached copy) 502 (Bad gateway)
200 (Success) 307 (Internal redirect) 503 (Service unavailable)
201 (Fulfilled) 400 (Bad request) 504 (Gateway timeout)
202 (Accepted) 401 (Authorization required) 505 (HTTP version not supported)
204 (No content) 402 (Payment required) 506 (Variant also negotiates)
205 (Reset content) 403 (Forbidden) 507 (Insufficient storage)
206 (Partial content) 404 (Not found) 510 (Not extended)
207 (Multi-Status) 405 (Method not allowed)
406 (Not acceptable)
407 (Proxy authentication required)
408 (Request timeout)
409 (Conflict)
410 (Gone)
411 (Length required)
412 (Precondition failed)
413 (Request entity too large)
414 (Request URI too large)
415 (Unsupported media type)
416 (Request range not satisfiable)
417 (Expectation failed)
422 (Unprocessable entity)
423 (Locked)
Simple summary
The term HTTP was coined by Ted Nelson.
HTTP is a stateless protocol.
The standard port for an HTTP connection is 80 port.
HTTP / 0.9 was the first version of HTTP, and was introduced in 1991.
HTTP / 1.0 is specified in RFC 1945, and was introduced in 1996.
HTTP / 1.1 is specified in RFC 2616, and was officially released in January 1997.
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